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CT Scanning

CT Scan

Cat Scan (CT) services are available at our Geneva General Hospital and Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital sites only.  Scheduling Services (315-787-4555) can be called to schedule these appointments.  Again, please make sure that you either have a copy of your order with you or that the office ordering the CT has sent/faxed it to the site where the CT is to be performed.

There may be some preparation prior to a CT.  Please make sure to discuss this with your ordering provider prior to your appointment, or you can call the Diagnostic Department (GGH: 315-787-4544, SSMH: 315-531-2545) if you have any questions about your procedure.  Late afternoon and Saturday morning appointments are available as well.

Geneva General Hospital has a state-of-the-art 64 slice, 128 channel CT scanner that allows for much faster patient thru-put time.  This means that the patient spends less time on the table and in the scanner. Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital has a 16 slice scanner that also is current, and up to date with the most current software available.  Both scanners are equipped with dose reduction software, which allows for excellent image quality, while reducing the amount of radiation exposure to the patients.