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Commitment to Quality:  A Message from Our CEO: 
 Jose Acevedo

"As a physician, I have seen first-hand the vital role that good health plays for all individuals, families and communities. I believe that everyone deserves access to world-class health care, regardless of whether we live in urban settings, suburban neighborhoods or rural communities. In this age of technology and innovation, the highest standard of care should be available for all patients with the highest level of commitment to hospital quality, safety and service. Our vision is for Finger Lakes Health to become the best health system of its size, in our region, state and nation. You deserve nothing less."

I never cease to be amazed by the quality outcomes achieved by our teams.  We continue to have no healthcare-acquired infections (HAI) at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital in 2017.  This makes 4 years straight for an astounding run of zero healthcare acquired infections. At Geneva General Hospital, HAI and HAC (healthcare acquired condition) rates continue to trend much better than in previous years. It should be noted that our year-to-date colon surgical site infections are the lowest that they have been in over 5 years.  We currently have a rate of 3.1%, which is well below the NY State average of 4.97%.

At Finger Lakes Health, through innovation and our employees, which are our greatest resource, we continuously strive to advance the quality of care we provide.  Here are just a few examples of what our exceptional quality programs mean to the community:

• For the last 5 of 6 years, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has determined that the combined quality of the Clinical Care, Safety, Efficiency and Patient Experience at Geneva General Hospital has exceeded National Performance Scores.

• The Joint Center of the Finger Lakes at Geneva General Hospital has significantly reduced the need for blood transfusions for hip and knee replacement patients from 26% in 2014 to 6% in 2016.  Using an evidence-based transfusion strategy, for reducing the need for blood transfusion on these surgical cases, has resulted in safer surgeries and reduced cost. It has also allowed us to help in preserving the vital resource of blood for the community we serve.

• Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital outperforms other NY State Hospitals in 5 of the 6 NY State Partnership for Patients Initiatives to prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (0), Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (0), C-Diff Infections (0), Venous Thromboembolism (0), MRSA Infections (0).

Finger Lakes Health always has the quality and safety of our patients in mind.  Remember that “we are where you are”…ready when you need us.

Jose Acevedo, M.D., M.B.A.,

President & CEO, Finger Lakes Health