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On February 6, Bianca Quartaro, RN, an employee of Finger Lakes Health (FLH) for over 35 years where she now works on 3 North at Geneva General Hospital (GGH), was honored by the health system with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses ®.

Surrounded by her colleagues, managers, hospital administrators, and members of the FLH shared governance council, it was Melissa Grummons, Nurse Manager, Telemetry Unit, FLH, who read the surprise announcement to everyone in attendance. Waiting in the wings of the hallway, for the surprise was Bianca’s family, her “army of support.”

Bianca was gifted with hugs and flowers by hospital staff and by her husband Scott, daughters Miranda and Alicia, her mother, Phyllis Lowrey, her sister, Yvonne Jolly, and her niece, Paige Jolly. For always going “above and beyond,” Bianca was nominated by eight people; two physicians, and six patients.

“This is my community, and there aren’t enough words to express what this means,” Bianca said after the ceremony, fighting back tears. “When I started here I just wanted to help people. I never could have thought the little things I do would mean such a great deal to so many people. Nursing others back to health is my life, and I never expected anything of it in return like this.”

“It was a touching scene that exemplified her extraordinary compassion, dedication and care,” added Grummons.

“Finger Lakes Health is proud to recognize Bianca Quartaro as our first Honoree of The DAISY Award,” said Finger Lakes Health Vice President of Nursing Ardelle Bigos. “The heroic efforts of our nurses do not go unnoticed and we look forward to inspiring others through this award in the future.”

Established by The DAISY Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, by members of his family, this award recognizes nurses who have had a profound impact in the lives of their patients and patient families. Patrick died at age 33 in 1999 from complications from Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. (DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System). The care Patrick received from the nurses at his bed-side inspired this award.

If you have received extraordinary care by a nurse, or are a family member of someone who has been treated with great care, and would like to nominate her or him please visit:


Nomination boxes are also located throughout Geneva General Hospital and Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital. Nurses throughout Finger Lakes Health will be recognized throughout the year at celebrations attended by the Honoree’s colleagues, patients and visitors.

Each Honoree receives a certificate commending her or him as an "Extraordinary Nurse." The certificate reads: "In deep appreciation of all you do, who you are, and the incredibly meaningful difference you make in the lives of so many people." Honorees also receive a DAISY Award pin and a beautiful and meaningful sculpture called A Healer’s Touch, hand-carved by artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe.

Photo Caption:

2020 DAISY Award, Bianca Quartaro, Team Photo,

Pictured during the award ceremony at Geneva General Hospital for The DAISY Award (From Left to Right) are Amanda Briggs, RN, Danielle Hildbrand, OC, Cindy Thomas, RN, Regina Blancke, UC, Kwandao Thompson, RN, Bianca Quartaro, RN, Stephen Yacoub, RN, NM, and Elizabeth Hollebrandt, NA.