Finger Lakes Health’s 2018 Report to the Community – Healthy Citizens Create a Vibrant Community, outlines $10.29 million in charity care and community benefit for 2017. The report outlines the health system’s far-reaching impact from community health to economic impact. The report is now available online.
The report details how Finger Lakes Health focuses its resources and efforts on the areas of health and wellness in our communities and the economic impact of Finger Lakes Health in our communities.
Finger Lakes Health’s 2018 “Report to the Community” reminds the community that as a community-owned, not-for profit, the health system delivers care to all members of our community, regardless of their ability to pay. In 2017, $2.27 million in financial aid (underwriting healthcare for patients in our community who are unable to pay for needed services) was provided at Geneva General and Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospitals. That charity care, coupled with the health system’s other community benefit, totaled $10.29 million in 2017. For information on Finger Lakes Health’s Financial Aid Program, eligibility criteria and applications, please call (315) 787-4150.
Additionally, the report summarizes Finger Lakes Health’s economic impact on our communities through 1,900 jobs at Geneva General Hospital (GGH) with a payroll of $94,175,000, and 600 jobs at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital (SSMH) with a $20,110,000 payroll. Indirectly, the jobs supported by GGH generated $26,000,000 in tax dollars, and the jobs supported by SSMH generated $7,300,000 in tax dollars, both resulting in stimulation of the economies of our communities.
The report further outlines how the health system joins the local county public health departments for the counties it serves, along with other community partners to conduct needs assessments, to determine the health priorities and establish improvement plans to meet those priorities.
Priorities outlined in the community report are: chronic disease, specifically hypertension and obesity, and substance abuse. Some of Finger Lakes Health’s outreach initiatives that have targeted these priorities include:
- Offered the Diabetes Prevention Program - free educational sessions to community members with risk factors for diabetes and those who are pre-diabetic, including nutrition, exercise and other tips to prevent diabetes and lose weight.
- Provided one-on-one counseling to patients living with diabetes, educational classes for patients and their support person and continuous glucose monitoring services.
- Provided Blood Pressure Screenings – nurses provide free blood pressures at various locations in the community, including Our Lady of Peace Parish, the Stroke Support Group and the Community Lunch program in Geneva.
- Had all of its primary care physician practices participating in the Regional Blood Pressure Registry being overseen by Common Ground Health in an effort to increase the percentage of patients with hypertension who have controlled their blood pressure.
- Provided speakers for Chat & Snack at the YMCA on health and wellness topics, such as Vein Insufficiency & Treatments, Fall Prevention, Stroke Symptoms & Prevention, Osteoporosis Risk Factors & Prevention.
- Provided educational health information on topics such as stroke symptoms, diabetes prevention, hypertension, and others, in its community health magazine, Thrive, which is mailed to more than 90,000 homes in our service area twice each year.
- Offered “Finger Lakes Health Matters”, an educational radio show that airs 26 times each year on the regional Finger Lakes Radio Network featuring Finger Lakes Health professionals speaking to a wide range of health topics, including stroke, diabetes, weight loss, and others.
- Used social media, such as Facebook and other digital strategies including an electronic newsletter, to share health and wellness information with our communities.
- Delivered excellent stroke care with Geneva General Hospital being an accredited Joint Commission and New York State-designated Stroke Center.
In addition to viewing the report online, copies of the report can also be obtained by contacting the Community Services office at Finger Lakes Health, (315) 787-4053.