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Students entering 8th and 9th grades can explore health-related careers at MASH (Medical Academy of Science and Health) Camp on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 10 and 11 at Geneva General Hospital. The program will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day at GGH, 196 North Street, Geneva.

Registration deadline is June 25.

The program is designed to allow students to experience the possibilities of healthcare careers right where healthcare services are being delivered--in the hospital.

Campers will be selected from Finger Lakes Health’s service area and will be notified the week after the deadline of camp acceptance. Once accepted, campers will receive further information and necessary paperwork. Applications received from outside Finger Lakes Health’s service area and late registrations will be placed on a wait list and accepted into the camp if space allows.

The fee MASH Camp is $50. For more information and an application for the camp, contact Loree MacKerchar, manager of Community Services for Finger Lakes Health (315) 531-2053.